LOOP-IT Scheme

LOOP-IT is a self-driven initiative set up at the Windles Group, by the Windles Group, to encapsulate all the great work that is undertaken to reduce both ours, and our clients’ impact on the environment. It is the combination of advanced building construction, a shift in the way we think about bi-products, and colour panel coding systems, that have established Windles Group as one of the leading ethical companies in the UK. So much so, that once again we have been awarded with the prestigious title of ‘Environmental Company of the Year Award’.

Every element of our business is researched, evaluated and then a LOOP-IT action, recycle or knowledge panel is applied. This ensures we are continually producing products in a responsible way. You will find examples of these panels in this brochure.

LOOP-IT is available to all our clients. We believe that saving energy and working more efficiently should not stop with us. We would like to help our clients also reach the same high standards by sharing our knowledge. Please get in touch if you would like a set of LOOP-IT panels to place around your company, or require a brochure explaining the scheme in more detail.

In conjunction with the LOOP-IT logo, there is also the strapline and colour code icon. The three solid circles form the basis of the panel coding system seen around our building, and the strapline, Sustainable Print & Production, outlines our ultimate goal.

There are things we can do at Windles that just mean doing something simple. Using the Red panels, we aim to highlight actions that can occur to help conserve or reduce the energy within our building - closing doors, windows, boiling just the right amount for your cuppa are just some of the ways that we can adjust our working day to conserve power.

One of the main areas of energy recovery is to recycle the bi-products from our production and office areas. Wherever you see an Amber panel you can recycle a material at that point. Each panel will highlight the particular material, as well as offering a brief description of the benefits. These will be positioned on all recycle bins both in the offices and production areas.

There are many good values and details that have been built into our new home at Peoples House, however there are lots of people and clients that are not aware of these. It is important to show everyone all the great thinking that has gone into creating our platform for sustainability. Look out for the Green panels that provide information and facts.

On each machine in the Windles Group there is a panel outlining the name of the equipment, a description of the work it carries out and the power consumption in Watts-per-hour. The most important section is the power converted to ‘kettles’. This offers a tangible, realistic equivalent of power that the operator can relate to. The idea being that using a domestic appliance will make people appreciate how much power can be wasted, for example, if left on during their lunch break.